Release 1.8.13
Published to the Chrome Web Store on May 1, 2024
🐛 Bug Fixes
Fixed a regression with the quickbar preventing the quickbar from closing when the
key is pressed (#8314)Fixed a bug when a mod contains more than one AA brick. The Page Editor was breaking when different Control Room integrations were chosen on different bricks (#8137)
Fixed a bug with AA integration where stale values were incorrectly cached (#7325)
Fixed missing input validations when creating some integrations (#8067)
Fixed the
Insert at Cursor
brick losing focus on Zendesk (#8154)Fixed unnecessary warning shown in the Page Editor when using a brick with the implicit PixieBrix API Integration (#8326)
🎨 User Experience
Added support for auto-creating databases for starter mods (#8222)
Added support for the PixieBrix API in starter mods (#8210)
Alphebetized team names on the Mods Screen in the Extension Console (#8285)
Improved the UX of some AA bot brick configuration options (#8138)
Improved content wrapping in the Extension Console to better support various window sizes (#4914)
🧱 New/Updated Bricks
Last updated
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