Release: 0.2.1

Released to the Chrome Web Store on 2/26/2021


  • Integrations

    • UiPath

    • Google Sheets:

      • Use the Google Picker Interface for securely selecting which sheet to use

      • Reduce permissions required. Uses the permission, which only gets access to the file you choose from Google Picker

      • Show tab names and properties from the sheet in the Page Editor

  • Page Editor

    • Improved Button structure inference in cases where elements contain extraneous divs without any classNames

  • Readers

    • EmberJS: fix depth that EmberJS reads for component values

  • Effects

    • Navigate and Open Tab effects no exclude parameters with undefined value. Some search engines produce a search/server error if there are blank parameters


  • Page Editor

    • Buttons you drag and dropped couldn't be saved

    • No error message was shown if certain steps failed during saving. Additionally, subsequent saves could fail because the reader had already been saved

  • Bricks:

    • Fixed the @pixiebrix/mapping schema to support other primitive values (number, boolean) as outputs of the mapping

    • Fixed the safeSearch property configuration for the duckduckgo/search used by the DuckDuckGo template

  • Extension Lifecycle

    • Context menu templates you uninstalled would show up again after installing a different template if you had any open tabs

Last updated