
Troubleshooting Mod Activation

Having issues with activating your mods? Try these questions. If it doesn't help, feel free to reach out via live chat or send an email to support.

You cannot find the PixieBrix extension using Google or the Chrome Web Store

Contact your PixieBrix admin for which installation instructions to follow. You may need to follow instructions for Installing the PixieBrix Chrome Browser Extension or

Linking Your PixieBrix Account if your company already installed it.

You do not see the “New Team Bricks are ready to activate” banner

  • Verify that you connected the correct email address by looking at the upper right corner

  • If the correct email address is not showing, go to, click the email address in the upper right, and click “Logout".

The mods don't appear or seem to be work even after you've activated them

  • Refresh the page and see if that fixes the problem

  • Open the PixieBrix browser extension. From you can open it by clicking “Open Browser Extension”

  • Verify the brick is listed on the Active Bricks page and has the status "✓ Managed". For example:

  • Perform one of the following actions to resolve the issue:

    • If the brick is not listed: contact your PixieBrix admin to ensure you've been granted access to the brick

    • If the status shows a "Grant Permissions" button, click the "Grant Permissions" button and accept the permissions in the Chrome Permissions prompt

    • If the status is "✓ Managed", click "Uninstall" and activate it again following the instructions in Activating Your Assigned Mods

How to reload the extension

To reload the extension:

  • Open the PixieBrix browser extension. From click “Open Browser Extension"

  • Click the Settings item in the sidebar

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Reload Extension" button

Last updated