
Creating a Campaign

To create a Campaign, click the Create Campaign button.

Provide a unique Campaign name, and click to upload CSV file containing the list of members in the campaign. The upload CSV file must have the following columns:

  • Email: the members email address

You can optionally provide additional custom columns for reporting. For example:

  • Office: the site/location of the team member

  • Organization Unit: the business unit of the team member

Updating a Campaign

The uploaded list of members replaces the current members of the campaign

To update the members associated with the campaign, click the “Edit Campaign” button on the Campaign Detail page:

The upload CSV format has the same structure for campaign creations.

In order to facilitate re-upload of a member list generated via “Export” (see Campaign Details below), the following columns in the upload file are ignored:

  • Status

  • Date Joined

  • Extension Version

  • Last Seen

Last updated