Running unattended bots via UiPath Cloud Orchestrator

Cloud vs. On-Premise: These instructions are for the UiPath Cloud Orchestrator. For On-Premise Orchestrator support, contact [email protected]

Configuring the UiPath Cloud Orchestrator Service

Private vs. Shared Credentials: Currently, the UiPath Cloud Orchestrator Service can only be configured as a Private Service in the Browser Extension. Configuring UiPath as a Shared Service is coming soon

Locating Your UiPath API Credentials

The UiPath documentation has detailed instructions for Viewing API Access Information. As an administrator, open the Admin tab in UiPath Automation Cloud:

Click the Cloud Icon ☁️ in the Orchestrator row to view the API Information

Configuring the Service Credentials

  1. Open the PixieBrix Extension (visit and click "Open Browser Extension")

  2. Open the Configure Services page from the Sidebar

  3. From the "Configure a new service dropdown", select UIPath Cloud Orchestrator

  4. Enter your UiPath Cloud Orchestrator API information

  • accountName: the "Account Logical Name" field the API Information dialog. You can also locate the account name in the URL you use to access Cloud Orchestrator

    <**>[Account Name]**/[Tenant Logical Name]/orchestrator_/
  • tenantName: the "Tenant Name" field in the API Information dialog. You can also locate the tenant name in the URL you use to access Cloud Orchestrator. The default UiPath tenant name is DefaultTenant

    <>[Account Name]/**[Tenant Logical Name]**/orchestrator_/
  • clientId: The "Client Id" field in the API Information dialog

  • userKey: The "User Key" field in the API Information dialog

  • folderId: the folder id number (not name), that can be found as the fid= URL parameter when you select the folder in UiPath Cloud Orchestrator

Running the Process

Go to the Page Editor's and add the "Run a UiPath process" brick to your mod.

Select the Process Release from the "release" dropdown. You should see all of the Release that are in the folder you configured above

Select a Strategy for running the Process:

  • JobsCount (default): run the process X times across when the bots become available

  • All: run the process on all unattended bots

  • Specific: run the process on one or more bots that you select

Finally, configure the Input Arguments for your Process. PixieBrix automatically displays which Input Arguments are available. For example, the following screenshot shows configuring a "Crunchbase.Lookup" process that one argument, "OrganizationSlug":

Creating and Managing Process Arguments

You can learn how to create/manage input arguments for process in the UiPath documentation: Managing Arguments

Last updated