Referencing Variables

If you don’t want to search through brick outputs to copy the path for a variable, you can enable Autosuggest Variables so that typing @ in a field will open a dropdown showing available variables to reference.

To Enable/Disable

Go to the Extension Console and select Settings on the left side panel. Scroll to the Skunkworks section and find the Autosuggest Variables setting. Click the toggle to change it to blue, showing it’s enabled.

If you prefer to to turn this off at any time, return back to these settings and click the toggle to change it to gray, show it’s disabled.

Using Autosuggest

When building in the Page Editor, you’ll be able to type @ in any field to reference available variables within the mod.

Click the carrots to expand into an object and see specific fields that exist within that object. You can also type the object name, such as the brick output (like @form) to filter by only a specific object.

Last updated