Hunter is a tool that helps you find email addresses for people. It can be particularly useful for mods that need to contact users for various reasons, such as providing support or reaching out to let them know about your service.
Some mods use Hunter and will require configuration in order to start using.
Finding your Hunter API key
To find your API key in Hunter, follow these steps:
Log in to your Hunter account.
Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen, then select "API”
Under the "API" section, you will see your unique API key. Copy this key to use when configuring your PixieBrix integration.
Configuring a Hunter Integration in PixieBrix
To set up a cloud integration that your team can access, head to the Admin Console. (If you'd rather set up something locally, use the Extension Console. Learn more about Configuring Integrations.)
From the Integrations section in the Admin or Extension Console, click the + Add Integration button in the top right corner.
Search for and select the Hunter integration.
In the modal that appears, use the label field to name your integration anything you’d like, and paste the API key you copied from Hunter into the apiKey
Click Save, and your integration will be ready for use in any Hunter mods.
Last updated