Using Page State (Advanced)
Page State is in-memory storage that’s available during a page session. There are three Page State namespaces to isolate information:
Private — accessible only for bricks attached to the starter brick
Mod — accessible to all bricks in the mod
Public — accessible to all bricks
There are two bricks to write/read directly from Page State:
Additionally, there are other bricks that can connect to the Page State
Trigger Starter Brick: can listen for changes to Page State
Sidebar Starter Brick: can re-render on changes to Page State
Custom Form: can be synchronized to Mod Variables/Page State
Display Temporary Information: can re-render on changes to Page State
With Async Async Page State: runs one or more bricks asynchronously and keeps track of the result in a Mod Variable
Getting Page State
The “Get Shared Page State” brick retrieves all data for the chosen namespace and assigns it to a Local Variable.
Using “Get Shared Page State” can be useful to take a snapshot of multiple Mod Variables at a single point in time.
Setting Page State
The “Set Shared Page State” brick provides full control over how to update Page State, including Mod Variables stored in the mod namespace.
Merge Strategy
The Merge Strategy input of the “Set shared page state” brick controls how the values provided impact existing values:
Shallow (default): properties provided overwrite existing properties. Other properties are preserved
Replace: replace the page state with the new values
Deep: merge properties, including nested objects. For arrays, items are merged pairwise. If two values are different types, the value is replaced
Example: Replace State
Example: Shallow Merge
Example: Deep Merge
In “deep” merge mode, arrays items are merged together pair-wise. (They are not appended)
Before: State
Before: @data
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