🏗️Release 2.1.5

Release 2.1.5 is under construction

🎨 User Experience

  • As part of our effort to improve and simplify the Page Editor, we have removed the last vestiges of Standalone Mod Components from the Page Editor

    • The "Add New" button in the top-left of the Page Editor has been renamed to "New Mod". Selecting a starter brick from the corresponding dropdown menu now creates an "unsaved" mod instead of a standalone mod component (#9209)

    • The "Reset" mod action has been renamed to "Clear Changes" (#9239)

    • The "Make a Copy" mod component action has been renamed to "Duplicate", and mod components will now be duplicated within their containing mod rather than becoming standalone (#9241)

    • The "Move from Mod" mod component action has been renamed to "Move to Mod", and requires users to specify a destination mod (either by selecting an existing mod or creating a new mod) (#9244)

    • For unsaved mods, the "Deactivate" action has been renamed to "Delete" (#9255)

    • Any remaining standalone mod components have been converted to the new "unsaved" mod format (#9242)

Last updated